What is Ego Death in the Psilocybin Journey?2024.10.22Psychedelics, Spirituality, Mysticism & PhilosophyIn the world of sacred ceremonies, the psilocybin mushroom journey invites us to cross a threshold that has called to…Breakthrough Dose, Ego Death, Magic Mushrooms, Mega Dose, Mind-Altering, Mushroom Experience, Psilocybin, Psilocybin Journey, Self-Discovery, Spirituality
Embracing Authenticity: My Journey from Masks to Self-Discovery2024.04.08Personal Growth & Inner WorkI’ve been so many versions of me. Over the years, I’ve worn masks, armour, and makeup, all in an attempt…Ceremony, Emotional Healing, Inner Transformation, Mushroom Experience, Psilocybin, Psilocybin Journey, Psychedelic Journey, Self-Discovery
Terence McKenna: Exploring the Cosmic Frontiers of Consciousness2024.02.22Teachers, Gurus & MastersIf you’ve been following me for a while, you may have noticed the name Terence McKenna comes up often, and…Magic Mushrooms, Mushroom Experience, Mysticism, Psilocybin, Psilocybin Journey, Psychedelics & Spirituality, Spirituality
What exactly is microdosing psilocybin?2023.03.28Psilocybin MushroomsMicrodosing psilocybin is gaining popularity as a potential way to improve mood, creativity, and productivity. My first experience with microdosing…Anxiety, Creativity, Depression, Magic Mushrooms, Microdoing, Microsose, Psilocybin
Let’s Take A Closer Look At Psilocybin Doses2023.02.02Psilocybin MushroomsHave you ever heard someone say: “I’ve tried mushrooms, but it was scary and I’ll never do it again.”? There…Breakthrough Dose, Magic Mushrooms, Mega Dose, Microsose, Mini-Dose, Moderate Dose, Museum Dose, Mushroom Experience, Psilocybin, Psilocybin Journey, Psychedelic Journey, Set and Setting, Therapeutic Dose
Why, Oh Why Are Psychedelics Illegal?2023.01.23PsychedelicsHave you ever wondered why psychedelics are illegal in most countries around the world? It seems kind of strange, doesn’t…Addiction, Depression, LSD, Magic Mushrooms, MDMA, New Study, Psilocybin, PTSD
How To Prepare For A Psilocybin Journey.2022.10.10Psilocybin MushroomsHow to prepare for a psilocybin journey is a question I get asked often. And the short answer is that…Magic Mushrooms, Mushroom Experience, Psilocybin, Psilocybin Journey, Psychedelic Journey, Set and Setting
Psychedelics Lower Barriers to Higher Brain States2022.09.09PsychedelicsDid you know that psychedelics lower the energy needed to reach higher levels of consciousness? In simpler terms, the brain…Consciousness, Magic Mushrooms, New Study, Psilocybin, Psychedelic Brain States, The Brain
How To Change Your Mind . . . About Psychedelics2022.07.22PsychedelicsA few years ago my brilliant brother introduced me to “How To Change Your Mind: What the New Science of…Magic Mushrooms, Mental Health, New Study, Psilocybin, Psychedelic Studies